John Donkersloot & Son Inc.
John Donkersloot & Son Information
John Donkersloot & Son Carries Sand, Gravel, Stone, And Fill. John Donkersloot & Son Was Started In 1902. We Deliver In New Jersey. We Also Have A Lot Of Antique Trucks. John Donkersloot III Takes A Lot Of Old And Antique Trucks And Machines, And He Fixes Them Up.
Our Trucks And Machines
The Trucks And Machines We Have Are A 1962 Autocar C 65 T Tractor Trailer, A 1929 Autocar Dumptruck, 4 Old Caterpillar Bucket Loaders, 3 Mack Dumptrucks, 1 Peterbilt Dumptruck, A 1965 Chevy Step Van, A 1917 Autocar, A 1930 Cat 10, A 1947 Nelson, A 1948 Broakway, And A 1930 ? Beyers Bearcat Jr.

Our Material
Our Material We Have Is 3/4'' River Gravel, 11/2''-3'' River Gravel, 3/4'' Blue Stone, 3/8'' Marble Chips, 3/4'' Marble Chips, 11/2'' Blue Stone, 3/8'' Brown Gravel, White Mason Sand, 3/4'' QP Stone, And 3/4'' Red Stone.
Contact John Donkersloot III
If You Would Like To Contact John Donkersloot III, Click The E-Mail Link Below. Thank You So Much For Visiting The John Donkersloot & Son Inc. Website!